Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Dasa Vayu The Balinese Tradition energy Healing System.

Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesia
What is Dasa Vayu?

In the healing tradition of Indonesia the channeling of divine energy as a curative method has been in constant
use for Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesiacenturies, Dasa Vayu is one of those methods. Dasa Vayu is similar to Reiki. Dasa Vayu has its roots in ancient Bali.. Beginning in approximately the ninth century the culture Indonesia. This influence is clearly preserved in modern times on the island of Bali. Ancient texts preserved on palm wood tablets called lontar record Kawi  descriptions of yoga, healing and philosophy brought to the islands during the Hindu expansion. In Bali these Kawi  texts remain in nearly their original state and are still studied by priests healers and artist. The result is a culture dominated by a holistic integration of the principles of ancient Hinduism. Knowledge of the chakra system and the fabric of the universal energy of god is woven into many aspects of daily life here.
Dasa Vayu as a healing energy is the same channeling of divine energy .. Dasa Vayu as a practice is somewhat more complete due to its technique being in constant use for centuries but Dasa Vayu are the same universal god energy. In Bali Hinduism is the dominant religion and the techniques still retain the flavor of the original tantric techniques including the knowledge of the chakra system .The basic methodology and curative abilities of Dasa Vayu are use the power of symbol called Yantra. The major differences exist only the in attunement methods and symbolic metaphors. At a fundamental level universal divine energy is always the same no matter which cultural underpinning anchors the practitioner’s technique.
Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesia
   What you can expect from a healing

The experience of Dasa Vayu healing can vary widely. Almost everyone feels a greater sense of internal balance and self-integration. It is possible to achieve incredibly beneficial results with multiple treatments but many people enjoy significant results in as little as one treatment.
As in any work involving connecting to the cosmic power of god the result will always be greatest in case where both the practitioner and the patient consciously work toward being receptive to allowing the Divine energy access through an opening of the heart.
Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesia
Training and Attunement
Dasa Vayu is an integrated approach to energy healing. The channeling of energy for use in healing requires that the healer prepare her body to create optimum conditions to allow divine energy to flow freely. Dasa Vayu requires attunement to symbols for use during healing process. It is also recommended that the practioner use mantra to stimulate the chakra pathways when preparing for channeling. Since Dasa Vayu acknowledges the chakra system of the practitioner’s body as a key component it is necessary to learn several mantras and pranayama techniques to fully open the energy channel. The continued practice of these techniques will also greatly improve the health and vitality of the practitioner.
Dasa Vayu is primarily dependent on the healer opening themselves up to the divine energy. It is always the divine energy that creates the healing effect and the most successful healers are those who allow their heart to open and the divine energy to work without interruption.
Divine cosmic energy contains all possible manifestation of energy but the human body is capable of receiving this energy only in very specific ways. A good metaphor for understanding the reception of this energy is a stained glass window. In a stained glass window each color of glass is capable of illuminating using only that particular vibration or color of light. The human body channels energy in a similar fashion and as the cosmic energy is flowing through the healers body different parts of the body act as receptors for the energy more efficiently or less efficiently depending on their sensitivity to the various frequencies of the energy. IN the Balinese system the model of energy coming from 9 directions and resides in various location on the body this gives the healer an easily visualized model which can be developed in to a well focused tool or channeling energy.
Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesia
YOGA HEALING BALI occasionally offer workshops in this practice. You can organizing your own time , to meet Guru Made Sumantra to learn abouth Dasa Vayu energy healing technique.  You just need five hours to follow our workshop . Join and contac us!
MODUL Dasa Vayu Energy Healing Workshop.
Brief History of Dasa Vayu,Acknowledgment. The Generator of Dasa vayu.Calling Power of Dasa vayu. Placing the power of Dasa vayu. Speading the Dasa Vayu to all parts of body. Ballancing our enrgy with cosmic energy.Feeling the flow of energy.  Attunement of Dasa Vayu symbol.Praktice Healing, self ,  other healing, and long distance healing.

Five hours sertification Dasa Vayu Energy Healing Workshop.
Price : Rp. 1.500.000
Yoga Healing Bali meditasi Aura Ubud retreat Workshop Natural Indonesia
Guru Made Sumantra
Yoga Healing Bali.
Address: Lungsiakan rd, Ubud, Bali.
Call: 087861187825

1 comment:

  1. I must say that yoga is such an omnipotent workout. It might be overwhelming for some, especially for beginners. But once you get the hang of it, the room and heat will be bearable. But of course, it would be great to know your limitation so that you would know what kind of yoga is suitable for you.Yoga teacher training
